Conditional template tag

dev.xiligroup est en travaux Forums xili-language plugin Conditional template tag

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  • #3158

    xiligroup dev

    you have to use the_curlang() function with slug of target language

    like that

    if (the_curlang() == 'en_us' ) {

    echo 'this page is in english' ;




    Thanx for this fast answer, it works.



    Another question: I have a query: query_posts(‘category_name=loremipsum&showposts=3’). As a result, I get the 3 last posts for the category, but not in the proper language.

    Is-there a way to add: query_posts(‘category_name=loremipsum&showposts=3&lang=the_curlang’) ?

    ThanK you



    The idea is good but the php syntax must be fixed because the result of the function must be concatened :

    query_posts( 'category_name=loremipsum&showposts=3&lang=' . the_curlang() )




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