Force language on Homepage

dev.xiligroup is being renovated Forums xili-language plugin Force language on Homepage

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 14 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #2766

    xiligroup dev

    « xiliml_cur_lang_head » is the filter name usable in your functions.php..

    According to your CMS and your To prepare your specific php function (and the add_filter …) you must prepare with these questions :

    what is the template file called as home : a page, a home or index…. ?

    what is the first called loop ? what display the result of the_curlang() xili-language function placed at top… (for tests…) ?


    NOTE : If your website is commercial, xiligroup can provide (a short) technico-commercial assistance…


    xiligroup dev

    if home is a page.php, some infos can be found here : (not yet in english…)



    Hello and thanks for the quick input.

    My frontpage is the index.php with custom loops, the first is at the header.php template and in this way: $my_query=new WP_query('arguments');

    Testing the <?php print the_curlang(): ?> shows es_es (that’s, indeed, the lang of the latest post introduced in the wp system) but I would like to force always the first visit to be in gl_es (galician).

    I would like to know the quote for this kind of assistance (although I would like the solution to be made public)


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