Get all tags from Group

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #2762

    xiligroup dev

    If your question concerns tags cloud… the xili function uses the same core parameters as wp_tag_cloud as explained in readme…




    i need the opposite way …

    How can i get the group-links of used tags in a post.

    I use xili-tags for a local news-blog. The cities (xili-tags) are assigned to regions (groups) and i want to display the assingned regions to the cities.

    Can you help me?

    Thank you…



    To be sure that I well understood.

    The list of tags are linked (and displayed) to one post. It is not a cloud outside the loop.

    How many cities are assigned to this post.

    Is it right that one region as several cities and one city cannot belong to more than one region ?



    Hi Michel,

    thank you for your response. There are 1-5 cities assigned to the post.

    And yes … One city can belong only to one region…

    The region is the county. The county consists of towns and locations.

    You can see xilitags in action on

    It’s a crime-news-blog.




    I’ve got a question about your plugin dedicated to this topic.
    I have website: and there is a lot of tags at right side,

    but only tags which used in posts are displayed

    How to display all the created tags?

    Thank you

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