How can I load tags into an array instead of displaying them?

dev.xiligroup est en travaux Forums xili-tidy-tags plugin How can I load tags into an array instead of displaying them?

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  • #3020


    Hello Zarban,

    The functions you need in loop are in xtt code source at around lines #1800… But as in core WP get_the_term_list implode the results… so with inspiration of these lines… it will be easy for a php writer to create a specific functions using xili_get_object_terms



    Thanks! I figured it out! I copied that function and eliminated the implosion and linking so it just returns the array.

    I love this plugin. It’s one of the most important parts of my site. Thanks!


    xiligroup dev

    if you want to inform dev.xiligroup team, just send an email from XTT backend form with checked infos ;-)

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