Massive language assign to old posts

dev.xiligroup is being renovated Forums xili-language plugin Massive language assign to old posts

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 15 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #2752



    Im dont know php sorry…

    Not be easy to add this little script to the plugin options for every new user of the plugin? it will be great for me :D

    Could you help me with the php script? or better… adding to the plugin´s options?



    xiligroup dev

    I plan to release a new version soon. What do you think of a dated based query of a series of posts assigned to a old category ? Is your site a commercial site or a personal site ?




    I administer a site from a group, and isnt comercial… but i can do much testing.

    We have 180.000visits each month and fast growing… and wants to begin site translation… found your plugin and like it most than others, but testing it i was blocked with this problem with the old posts.

    I dont understand your tip… how can I do a dated based qquery?


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