New Post Notification Question

dev.xiligroup is being renovated Forums Other plugins New Post Notification Question

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #2830

    xiligroup dev

    This plugin – New Post Notification – is made to send mail to subscribers…

    For your purpose, It seems better to use this plugin to see in your blog the latest topic and post of bbpress :

    BBpress Latest Discussions –

    as used here – – (see bottom)



    I still want to send messages to people that subscribe to the topic, but I want the link that goes out in the email to be to the general forum page. I don’t want the link to point to the specific topic page.

    How can I change the link in the email so that it always points to the same page (the main forum page)?

    Thank you for your response!


    xiligroup dev

    Plugin is under GPL, you are totally free to modify the php source.

    By doing this, you can conserve the trigger (when a post is inserted) and modify the content of the sent email…

    Your idea is good but this time is very busy… Hope the work’s weather will be better in spring !

    Thanks for your motivation…



    hy thanks

    I just discovered this plugin

    and once again thank you

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