Tag lists not displaying as expected on Category pages

dev.xiligroup is being renovated Forums xili-tidy-tags plugin Tag lists not displaying as expected on Category pages

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 13 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #2887

    xiligroup dev

    I am not sure to understood your question. On the website, is the xili-tidy-tags widget (tags cloud) used ?




    Yes the tag cloud is being used. But the same results are showing on every page regardless of the category. I thought the tags shown should only displayed on a particular page if there are posts which exist in that category. I presently have 7 posts in the Foundations Category, the posts have been tagged with two different brand names. However, regardless of whether I’m looking at a page in the Foundations Category or not, the same brand list appears.

    I hope this makes more sense now :)





    To elaborate further. When I click on another category such as Day Moisturisers, which currently has no posts at all at the moment, the list of Foundation Brand names appears, when I would have expected this to be blank



    I understand how this works now… I’ve sorted out the issue myself.

    Thank you for your time

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