tags a post belong to

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  xiligroup dev 15 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #2755

    xiligroup dev

    Your demand is good. To enrich the template tags list (now only for sidebar or widget) I will add a hook or a new template tag to do that sub-selection for one post in the loop… Be patient – hope to release a new version in around (or less than) one week.



    xiligroup dev

    Hello David !

    Be informed that a new release (1.1 – not yet current ) is available here


    See also read me…

    In loop, the template tag the_tags() named xili_the_tags is now able to sub-select tags for the current post from sub-groups.

    Example of code :

    xili_the_tags('',' • ','',array('sub_groups'=>array('trademark', 'software')));

    With these parameters, only tags from subgroups ‘trademark’ & ‘software’ are displayed in loop with each post (use slug of terms)

    It was not possible to powerful hook the current function the_tags() so it was necessary to create a new one but with a great fourth used in taxonomy functions…

    If your tests are good, I will add this release as current. (and you will have few something to do !!!)




    I start the first test yesterday. I couldn’t work on it until weekend, but all seems to work well.

    Thank you very much.





    I confirm it’s work fine. I incorporated the new version to my blog this weekend and it works perfectly.

    I will not advertise free my blog here, if someone asks me I’ll send it privately.

    Only one thing

    I think you forgot an « echo ‘–xxx-‘; » instruction in line 1095. it isn’t?

    Merci beaucoup



    xiligroup dev

    Thanks – the forgotten echo is erased …

    If you are happy, don’t forget to add some stars and a small texte in http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/xili-tidy-tags/ !

    And also, if necessary and appreciate more music or other shareware, you can use « donation link » freshly installed in dev.xiligroup.com front-page…

    Also, send me your link in contact page (not public)..


    Dev Team

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