Twenty Eleven Multilingual Child theme shipped

dev.xiligroup est en travaux Forums xili-language plugin Twenty Eleven Multilingual Child theme shipped

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  • #2946



    I am trying to modify the style.css of the child them but without any success. I have read that I to put code under the import line. Would you be so kind to tell me how can I modify it?

    And finally, I am trying to understand how I will put the language flags…


    As shortly presented here

    the child theme twenty eleven is an example well implemented by your dpt…

    Instead previous child theme for twentyten (visit links above), here styles for dynamic nav menus is built ‘live’ by a function named « twentyeleven_flags_style » in functions.php of the theme.

    If you want to use or add your own flags, add it inside flags sub-folder.

    if you want to create you own child theme, duplicate this one and change only name of folder and his name in style.css and modify what you need… and activate it


    and how the menu will be automatically translated but I have no clue!


    Do you have install xili-dictionary plugin ?


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