with no .POT file ? how to do ?

dev.xiligroup est en travaux Forums xili-language plugin with no .POT file ? how to do ?

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    I’m probably having the same problem as in my theme does not appear the folder Lang or Language.

    What should I do?

    I found out that there’s this way http://codex.wordpress.org/I18n_for_WordPress_Developers

    Sorry I’m quite new! Do you have any suggestions?

    Tnx a lot!



    what is your theme ? is it translation-ready or localizable ? have you a red message in languages frontend settings tab in xili-language settings (inside metabox titled Current Theme infos fielset named Theme Type and Domain)…




    The theme is label by themeforest and I have the red message http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r146/wolfungag/tech/langplugin.jpg



    I visit the page of this NOT FREE theme. It is not localizable or translatable. You can use it with XL (with minor hook and addon) but all the items hardcoded in the files of the theme cannot be translated… (can you modify the files and create/include gettext functions ?)

    Ask the author – try a refund and find another… translation ready…



    Tnx for the hint! Very appreciated! Could you just give some more reference to this gettext functions? Unfortunatelly there are too many data about it and I’m looking for something for newbies at present!



    Sorry, that request was probably out of this topic; I’ll try with WP! Tnx again!

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