xili-tidy-tags version 1.5.4 posted in other versions tab

dev.xiligroup est en travaux Forums xili-tidy-tags plugin xili-tidy-tags version 1.5.4 posted in other versions tab

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  • #2877


    Some examples :

    echo '< a href="'.link_for_posts_of_xili_tags_group ('trademark').'" >Trademark< / a >' here display a link named Trademark – a tags-group and the link clicked will show all posts with tags belonging to this tags-group named trademark (use slug in param)

    echo xili_tags_group_list ( ', ', array ('tidy-languages-group','software') );// show all tags group excluding langs and ‘software’

    echo xili_tags_group_list ( ', ', array ('tidy-languages-group') , 'Posts with tags belonging to %s tags-group') ; Show all tags-group and insert title attribut for link

    (use slug in array – exclude them – see source)


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