A way to keep the ?lang=xx_xx in the address bar with xili_language ?

dev.xiligroup est en travaux Forums xili-language plugin A way to keep the ?lang=xx_xx in the address bar with xili_language ?

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  • #2790

    xiligroup dev

    oooh ! from Michel dev.xiligroup

    To complete reading of end part of plugin’s source.. a

    Documentation : A table summarizes all the technical features of this powerful plugin for personalized CMS created by webmaster. is here:


    For you case, you don’t need to analyze the URI, you just needs (in your category.php or single.php or elsewhere…) to use the function the_curlang()

    as example I use here to get the (news) id corresponding to the language of the displayed (front) page

    $news_id = get_post_meta($page_front, 'topnews-'.the_curlang(), true);

    In a multilingual loop (category)… language of each post can be find with

    get_cur_language ($post->ID)

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