affichage contenu d'une page dans article

dev.xiligroup is being renovated Forums Other plugins affichage contenu d'une page dans article

This topic contains 0 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  xiligroup dev 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #2926


    Bonjour… Je vais répondre en anglais pour tous…

    I know that the doc is not full…but if you read the code source after line #360, you can see the shortcode’s parameters ‘as default’ :

    * shortcode call of function post in post
    * @ updated 0.9.4
    function xi_postinpost_func ( $atts, $content = '' ) {

    $arr_result = shortcode_atts(array('query'=>'','showposts'=>1,
    'beforeall'=>'<div class="xi_postinpost">', 'afterall'=>'</div>',
    'beforeeach'=>'', 'aftereach'=>'', // 0.9.4
    'beforetitle'=>'<h4 class="xi_postinpost_title">', 'aftertitle'=>'</h4>',
    'beforeexcerpt'=>'<object class="xi_postinpost_excerpt">', 'afterexcerpt'=>'</object>',
    'beforecontent'=>'<object class="xi_postinpost_content">', 'aftercontent'=>'</object>',
    'featuredimage' => 0, 'featuredimageaslink' => 0, 'featuredimagesize' => 'thumbnail',
    'read' => 'Read…',

    In your case, by default you must see title and excerpt ( if exists) … to change add parameter showcontent= »1″ to see content..

    Remember that to have a page, the query_tag is not ‘p=’ but ‘page_id=’…

    All the wp_query parameters are possible…

    Allez amusez-vous bien !





    I’ll try English

    Thank you for the reply.

    Effectively with [xilipostinpost query="page_id=2"], it works better ;-)

    Unfortunately the page include features shortcodes that are not rendered on the page output.

    Exemple page 2 :

    mon texte qui ressort bien …

    [tabs slidertype= »left tabs »] [tabcontainer][tabtext]1 Définissez vos objectifs[/tabtext] …[/tabcontainer]

    [tabcontent] [tab]


    is it possible simply?


    xiligroup dev

    Good observation:

    Today, filter ‘the_content’ is used for contents… can you verify that the cited shortcodes used are working from a plugin using canonical method…

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