Bad request error

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  • #2952

    xiligroup dev


    what is your permalinks in settings ? Have you add taxonomies yourself or another plugin managing languages ?



    It seems the problem is in the xili_language_list function, in the $option == ‘navmenu’ block. If I understand it right, it appends %lang% to the URL, but only replaces it with a language code if I have $lang_perma set to true, else it does nothing. That would break all links not using permalang, which surely can’t be right? I’ll investigate further, but I hope someone can provide assistance as I’m not well versed with this codebase ^^



    Permalinks are /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/. I have not modified any taxonomies to my knowledge, this wordpress install is very fresh.



    It was « fixed » by changing nav menu type from Nav Menu to Nav Menu #1. Is the former only for permalang pages? Is there a guide to make the page permalang btw? It sounds interesting.


    xiligroup dev

    Please send a support email from the xili-language settings page with all items checked… It will be better for me to make a quick diagnosis…



    You still want it, even though the problem is fixed by the above step?


    xiligroup dev

    $lang_perma var is ready for a future feature – with very complex permalinks functions (probably for premium version as visible running here )… I will fixe this today error in option navmenu… – version 2.2.1 here :

    Thanks from your notes


    xiligroup dev

    Yes to see the theme and other contexts…



    I have the same problem.

    I get bad request errors when I click on the flags in Child of Twenty Ten.

    On the other hand the Twenty Ten theme works okay, just without the flags.

    « It was « fixed » by changing nav menu type from Nav Menu to Nav Menu #1. »

    How and where (in which file or admin area) would I do this?



    Same issue here with your Twenty Ten Child theme.

    Using « list of languages » widget set as type > Type top (by the way the label is obscure to me) I have a Bad Request

    Custom permalink structure > /%postname%/

    PS: changing in Nav Manu #1 (even if I don’t understand what does it mean) does nothing.

Visualisation du message 10 (1 sur 10, 11 au total)

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