Could you help me please to deal with output the groups of tags?

dev.xiligroup est en travaux Forums xili-tidy-tags plugin Could you help me please to deal with output the groups of tags?

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    The widget displays the groups set inside the admin UI widget window.

    If you want to use conditional situations according the current post(s), I invite you to use the conditional item at the bottom of the widget UI by calling a php fonction that you add in the functions.php of your theme (*).

    So if the return of this function is true according rules, the widget will display the tags cloud.


    (*) that needs knowledge in wp and php !



    the current functions of WP can also be used directly :

    is_singular : the widget appears only if a single post or page is shown

    is_category : the widget appears only if list of posts of categories….

    and other like here

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