Custom Post Types & Taxonomies

dev.xiligroup est en travaux Forums xili-tidy-tags plugin Custom Post Types & Taxonomies

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  xiligroup dev 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #3796


    No need to modify xtt plugin… he is ready for other tag taxonomy…

    The best to discover how to instantiate xtt class is to read sources of xili-xl-bbp-addon.php file available in xili-language plugin… At line #328 analyze the function xili_tidy_tags_start_topic and the following filter

    add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, ‘xili_tidy_tags_start_topic’, 18 ); // after xili-tidy-tags


    Good job




    so you are suggesting that:

    1) xili-tidy-tags doesn’t need to be modified?

    2) xili-language plugin must be enabled & then further coded?

     At line #328 analyze the functionxili_tidy_tags_start_topicand the following filter
    add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, ‘xili_tidy_tags_start_topic’, 18 ); // after xili-tidy-tags

    Your reference to these lines are on lines #480+ for me, further more -correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t see any relevance with these functions and my objectives in using custom post types & taxonomies??

    Perhaps a few more details on your suggested approach please?

    Please let me know if my objectives are not clear.




    or is it rather with the usage of xili-dictionary?

    I’m sorry if my objective is something simple that I may have overlooked  :/ Before posting on the forum I had read relevant documentation + investigated for a while, but still have unanswered questions.

    The tool looks like a potential solution to a large aspect of my site, hence my determination to make it work. I would greatly appreciate the time of anyone who can put in a few minutes to help me understand how to tweak these tools to work with my site.

    again objective:

    I have custom post types (apart from just post_type ‘post’) and custom taxonomies (terms apart from just tags; ‘post_tag’); I need xili-tidy-tags to allow the grouping of these other taxonomy terms while also taking custom post types into consideration.

    Example: Apart from just ‘post_tags’, there exists taxonomies such as ‘actors’, ‘athletes’, ‘musicians’… etc. Apart from just post_type ‘post’ there exists custom post_types likes ‘News, Music, Video, Album, ..etc.

    – I need xili-tidy-tags to see  these other taxonomy terms as a ‘post’ or as any other custom post type.


    The best to discover how to instantiate xtt class is to read sources of xili-xl-bbp-addon.php file available in xili-language plugin

    can you please elaborate just a little more? 🙂






    terrible support.


    xiligroup dev

    Author can be in holidays 😉 apologize for the delay… but it seems that you find an elegant solution… Because we are in a contributive world, don’t hesitate to publish your solution !


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