Getting the current language

dev.xiligroup is being renovated Forums xili-language plugin Getting the current language

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    as documented here:

    this table summarizes all template tags and functions available in XL

    the_curlang() is probably the function you expect !



    I have two languages installed: en_us and tr_tr but the_curlang() function always returns tr_tr even if the language of the page I’m visiting is set to en_us.



    is it the homepage ? or a singular (page or single) ? where is the function ?



    I just tried it on a non-frontpage page and it works. But on frontpage it doesn’t work.



    Ignore this post :)



    Sorry for the spam but I accidentally wrote on my last post that I fixed it when in fact I didn’t (I edited that post). So my problem with front page continues. That function works on every page except the front page.



    what are the settings in xl ? do you have force that the frontpage will be in the language of the visitor browser ?

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