Language is not being set when the user first arrives

dev.xiligroup is being renovated Forums xili-language plugin Language is not being set when the user first arrives

This topic contains 0 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  xiligroup dev 14 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #2783

    xiligroup dev

    1) there is high quantity of type of home page (depending architecture of site) activating file like index.php, or home.php or page.php like… I need better infos to bring you a good solution according the rules decided by site editor. Example : on some international site, the language of theme must be the browser visitor language but the last posts and categories titles remain bi-lingual. Elsewhere only one.

    2) it is possible to refresh the query of the current loop.

    Other question : how to architect categories and I ended up with 2 sets of categories and english posts assigned to english categories and spanish posts assigned to spanish categories.

    Typically the question presents the confusion between semantic taxonomies (category) and languages classifications…. In CMS – Content Management System – approach, it is important to understand that… If a post is in car’s or flowers category, it can be in english or spain or german….. But, without xili-language, if you only use cat for semantic and language… it is difficult to make good and quick crossed queries… It is one of the reason why xili-language plugin was created and his specific languages taxonomies (permitted since WP 2.3) that introduce a type of 4th dimension over the other semantic architecture and classification’s dimension.

    With his brother plugin – xili-tidy-tags – on a multilingual website, it is also possible to create sub tag-clouds in one only language and other in a semantic group of trademark that are basically multilingual as wordpress !!

    Good luck

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