quickly see unassigned tags in admin

dev.xiligroup is being renovated Forums xili-tidy-tags plugin quickly see unassigned tags in admin

This topic contains 0 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  xiligroup dev 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    xiligroup dev

    Thanks for you question.

    The simple way is to check a group (better a parent group) in « Sub list of tags » Actions box – AND check Exclude this group before click « Sub select ». You will see easily the tags without this (parent) group and (other child groups).

    I will study a new query to find tags with no groups more easily (no every) but it not trivial with wp’s taxonomy and with the feature where tags are belonging to language groups defined by xili-language plugin.

    Perhaps for version 1.33 or next…


    dev.xiligroup.com team



    Thanks Michel,

    Ill be glad to use this option in a future version because i can’t use the simple way you tell me about now. I have 7 groups, but none of them are children. So I can’t easily exclude several groups at once.

    Or perhaps i should define my groups as children of another one? I don’t know.

    thank you

    btw, the site where i use your plugin is http://www.794point8.com



    i cant get this to work! i just deleted all my tag groups and still no joy.

    to make it work easier i created one parent, and lots of children, however when i assign a few tags to a child, and some to the parent and children, when i try to ‘exclude’ the parent, i either get all tags, or zero tags, depending if i check ‘No childs’…

    Any ideas?



    xiligroup dev

    To better understand from where you start, please send me snapshot of the two screens of tidy tags to contact xiligroup com ! Hope to give you solutions by return


    xiligroup dev

    Santa Claus is arrived !

    release 1.5.3 is available in « Other Versions » tab – http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/xili-tidy-tags/download/

    A line in popup is added in popmenu to select only unassigned (unchecked) tags.

    … and some little improvments in selection UI.

    In your case, as I understood, the ALL parent seems not to be mandatory so for each group in group settings page, set to no parent and erase ALL group… After, It will be easy to detect tags without group…

    Hope you appreciate Santa Claus this year…


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