starter question: menu bilingual

dev.xiligroup is being renovated Forums xili-language plugin starter question: menu bilingual


This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #3723

    xiligroup dev

    The menu management depends of content strategy and theme architecture (what is your theme)…

    Have you read this page on wiki :

    For pages, there is a way that nav menu can subselect pages according language..




    Hi thanks!  i red that page but it unfortunately didn’t help me much.

    First questions
    What is the content of the menu ? —  Page titles
    In each language, is the menu a clone, a mirror of the menu in other language ? — Yes, its a clone
    Is the menu based on page titles, or categories or both ? —  page titles

    So i’m the first case. The only thing i dont understand of that fuirst case explanetion is the part about  page sub selection. I haven’t done anything with that

    It just seems that after the var /?lang=nl_nl nothing is being done with it



    after wasting to much time again i gave up.

    used polylang, worked within an hour.

    I’mXili sure is great but it could sure use more userfriendly starters guide.

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