xili New Post Notification (0.9.4) is shipped (as other version) !

dev.xiligroup est en travaux Forums bbPress plugins xili New Post Notification (0.9.4) is shipped (as other version) !

Ce sujet contient 0 réponses et 2 voix, et a été mis à jour par  Anonyme il y a Il y a 13 ans, 9 mois.

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  • #2803


    This new version is running on this server – so don’t forgot to update your profile after doing choosen topic as one of your favorite !



    Why this plugin new version ?

    This bbpress plugin was also a good exercice to discover how to add a tab in user’s profile. This tab named ‘new post notification’ call a php plugin file which is displaying a form (yet only a check box). In this case of xili-new-post-notification plugin, the user profile contains a value to decide if favorite topics- when changed – triggers a sending of email. As not like favorites saved in user meta, the sets are saved as array in plugin’s options to be independant and prepare some future upgrading.

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