Archives par mot-clé : designer

WordCamp Paris 2010 – Compte-rendu partial et partiel

Chronique d’un provincial à Paris lors du WordCamp à Montmartre non loin des Grands Boulevards Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Pour experts, Actus | Marqué avec , , , , | 2 commentaires

xili-language and the time

Setting time, on the fly, in current language of the current post is not very easy in Wordpress. After some research in core’s source and in php functions, several pathways are available here Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Pour experts, xili-language | Marqué avec , , , , | Laisser un commentaire

xili-language – 1.4.1 – new libraries

This release 1.1.8 adds new features dedicated to multilingual theme’s creators and webmasters. Some new php functions, a folder to include functions shared by themes (not necessary to put functions in functions.php of the current theme); example with a shortcode to insert link inside content toward another post in a language. Since this release, xili-language is also tested with future wordpress 2.9-rare. Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Pour experts, xili-language | Marqué avec , , , | 2 commentaires

Xili-language toolbox in one table

In this table, all the main template tags, functions and hooks are grouped. Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Pour experts, Full width, xili-language | Marqué avec , , , , | 10 commentaires

xili-language: a helpful shortcode

Example with shortcode linkedpost Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Plugins WP, xili-language | Marqué avec , , , | Laisser un commentaire

From a theme with localization to a multilingual theme with xili-language : technical and general notes.

When studying FAQ of xili-language about some themes with localization (lots of theme’s creator forget to add in tags – localization or international, translation-ready,…), we discover that lot of improvements can be done during creation/design steps to easy transform them in a real multilingual theme. Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Pour experts, xili-language | Marqué avec , , , , | Un commentaire