dev.xiligroup au WordCamp 2014 01-17, 01-18
Michel de dev.xiligroup était présent au WordCamp Paris les vendredi 17 et Samedi 18 janvier 2014.
Le compte-rendu est ici sur le site du thème 2014-xili.Michel de dev.xiligroup était présent au WordCamp Paris les vendredi 18 et Samedi 19 janvier 2013.
Le compte-rendu est ici. D'autres suivront sur des points plus techniques liés aux conférences.News
Forums Tags
- .mo
- .po
- bbPress
- category
- child theme
- cloud
- css
- documentation
- filter
- forum
- front-page
- group
- home
- hook
- javascript
- language
- link
- localization
- loop
- menu
- multilingual
- multisite
- nav menu
- page
- php
- plugin
- post
- query
- settings
- tag
- tags
- tags cloud
- tags group
- taxonomy
- template tag
- theme
- the_curlang
- translation
- undefined
- widget
- xili-dictionary
- xili-language
- xili-postinpost
- xili-tidy-tags
Recent Topics list
Blank… after updating several other plugins
8 years, 12 months ago
open tags in new window
9 years, 5 months ago
Xili Tidy Tags + WP all import
10 years, 11 months ago
Flags and titles
10 years, 11 months ago
current-menue-ancestor / parent ? how to?
10 years, 11 months ago
Blank… after updating several other plugins
Recent Replies in forums
Blank… after updating several other plugins 8 years, 12 months ago
Blank… after updating several other plugins 8 years, 12 months ago
Xili Tidy Tags + WP all import 10 years, 11 months ago
Xili Tidy Tags + WP all import 10 years, 11 months ago
Flags and titles 10 years, 11 months ago
Blank… after updating several other plugins
Mots-clefs du forum en français
Archives par mot-clé : language
xili-language: data-model and taxonomy
A recent repair of a WP database is an opportunity to explain relationships in taxonomies used by xili-language since WP 2.3. What see the webmaster ? In xili-language settings a language has disappeared but not in posts list. Why ? … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Experts corner, xili-language
Marqué avec data-model, language, relationships, taxonomy
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xili-dictionary for international themes
Originally, xili-dictionary plugin was designed for realtime multilingual theme managed by xili-language plugin. Since 1.0.2, it is now possible to use xili-dictionary to manage translations of international (with localization) themes like kubrik , fusion or others… Continuer la lecture
Publié dans xili-dictionary
Marqué avec .mo, .po, dictionary, i18n, l10n, language, localization, template, wordpress
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Q&A about xili-language plugin, release 1.1
Recent shipping of xili-language plugin is an opportunity to discover some features… Continuer la lecture
Publié dans xili-language
Marqué avec CMS, language, multilingual, plugin, wordpress
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xili-language plugin : release 2.1
xili-language provides for a multilingual website an automatic selection of language (.mo) in theme according to the language of current post(s). Continuer la lecture
Publié dans xili-language
Marqué avec language, localization, multilingual, plugin, wordpress
41 commentaires
xili-tidy-tags : a example of presentation of tag cloud in tabs
xili-tidy-tags : an example of template tags Continuer la lecture
xili-tidy-tags : l’extension qui range les mots clés, version 1.4.1
xili-tidy-tags, l’extension qui range les mots clé : description en 7 fiches Continuer la lecture
xili-dictionary – release ß 0.9.9
xili-dictionary is a multilingual dictionary storable in taxonomy and terms to create and translate .po files or .mo files and more… Continuer la lecture
Publié dans xili-dictionary
Marqué avec dictionary, language, multilingual, taxonomy, wordpress
3 commentaires
xili-language plugin provide now ways to display right to left languages
Texts such as Arabic, Farsi (Persian), Urdu and Hebrew are written from right to left. Possible in previous release via hooks in the plugin, xili-language plugin (since 0.9.9) provides now functions and vars to display right to left languages. These … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans News, xili-language
Marqué avec Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, language, multilingual, text direction, Urdu, wordpress
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فإن البرنامج المساعد xili – language يوفر أدوات لبناء الموضوع وكتابة النصوص العربية Continuer la lecture
Publié dans News, xili-language
Marqué avec language, multilingual, text direction, wordpress
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xili-language plugin – new version [update]
After main update 0.9.7 with OOP and hooks, xili-language is shipped to day with version Continuer la lecture