Category: xili-language

About xili-language plugin for multilingual website. Do not forget to visit

WordCamp Paris: 2011, May 14th present at WordCamp Paris to exchange with webmasters of multilingual sites. Continuer la lecture

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xili-language plugin: update 1.8.9 shipped

logo xili-language

Waiting releasing of WordPress 3.1, intermediate release 1.8.9 is shipped. What’s new ? For authors, editors and translators – filter by languages in Posts edit list: easy to sub-select posts according a language (or undefined language). – set language available … Continuer la lecture

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xili-language : installation with a child theme of twentyten

multisite demo english

This week-end, xili-language has reached 16001 downloads ! In a series of articles in demo multilingual website, a twentyten-xili child theme of default twentyten is shipped to show how child approach works and how to setup a simple multilingual site. … Continuer la lecture

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xili-language trilogy : new versions shipped !

As announced by intermediate releases, the trilogy for multilingual website (cms and multisite), – xili-language(1.8.4) – xili-tidy-tags(1.5.0) – xili-dictionary(1.3.0) – is shipped. Since last two weeks, tests were done on old website (as here), multisite (see demo) and on our … Continuer la lecture

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xili-language: data-model and taxonomy

A recent repair of a WP database is an opportunity to explain relationships in taxonomies used by xili-language since WP 2.3. What see the webmaster ? In xili-language settings a language has disappeared but not in posts list. Why ? … Continuer la lecture

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xili-language: version 1.8.3 shipped in WP repository

Before to be a current version, xili-language version 1.8.3 is available for final tests in WP repository in other versions tab. Since 1.8.0, the main improvements are : widgets rewritten as extended class, search form improved, can choose the nav … Continuer la lecture

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xili-language trilogy: Upgraded for child theme and multiple navigation menus

Are you webmaster and expert in child theme for better structured design and working flow ? Newest release 1.8.1 of xili-language is available in plugin repository in tab named other versions Thanks for your tests ! Please comment on forum … Continuer la lecture

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xili-language version 1.8.0 is shipped !

For webmasters using custom post type: xili-language version 1.8.0 is shipped ! Continuer la lecture

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xili-language 1.7.1 as current version

Version 1.7.1 add an option to easily configure the top navigation menu in a site. Please visit the demo website and read carefully again the renewed readme.

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xili-language 1.7.1 is shipped in current version

xili-language 1.7.1 is shipped as « current version ». Some functions are improved through new hooks (front-page selection without source coding for webmasters). Continuer la lecture

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