dev.xiligroup au WordCamp 2014 01-17, 01-18
Michel de dev.xiligroup était présent au WordCamp Paris les vendredi 17 et Samedi 18 janvier 2014.
Le compte-rendu est ici sur le site du thème 2014-xili.Michel de dev.xiligroup était présent au WordCamp Paris les vendredi 18 et Samedi 19 janvier 2013.
Le compte-rendu est ici. D'autres suivront sur des points plus techniques liés aux conférences.News
Forums Tags
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- page
- php
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- query
- settings
- tag
- tags
- tags cloud
- tags group
- taxonomy
- template tag
- theme
- the_curlang
- translation
- undefined
- widget
- xili-dictionary
- xili-language
- xili-postinpost
- xili-tidy-tags
Recent Topics list
Blank… after updating several other plugins
8 years, 12 months ago
open tags in new window
9 years, 5 months ago
Xili Tidy Tags + WP all import
10 years, 11 months ago
Flags and titles
10 years, 11 months ago
current-menue-ancestor / parent ? how to?
10 years, 11 months ago
Blank… after updating several other plugins
Recent Replies in forums
Blank… after updating several other plugins 8 years, 12 months ago
Blank… after updating several other plugins 8 years, 12 months ago
Xili Tidy Tags + WP all import 10 years, 11 months ago
Xili Tidy Tags + WP all import 10 years, 11 months ago
Flags and titles 10 years, 11 months ago
Blank… after updating several other plugins
Mots-clefs du forum en français
Category: Studies
WordPress – XMLRPC – IXR client and http Basic Authentication
A short and basic example to use http basic authentication with WordPress WP IXR client. Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Experts corner, Studies
Marqué avec http, http basic authentication, ixr, plugin, wordpress, wp, xmlrpc
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bbPress 2.0, child theme of twenty eleven, style.css,… how to
In this article (yet in french), how to personalize a child theme to show bbPress in twentyeleven with minimum modification but good folder organization.
Publié dans News, Studies
Marqué avec bbpress, child theme, style.css, wordpress
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xili-language plugin data model and architecture : FAQ [updated]
After been used by webmasters for cms multilingual websites, more more, xili-language trilogy is used by newbies. This article summarizes some questions about how the data model and the architecture were choosen at begining and year after year confirmed. Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Experts corner, Studies, xili-language, xili-tidy-tags
Marqué avec data-model, database, table, taxinomy
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feed one WordPress site with post from another WP using xmlrpc protocol
Exploration of xmlrpc between two WP websites… Continuer la lecture
xili New Post Notification (0.9.4) is shipped
bbPress Forum : Now, since 0.9.4, xili New Post Notification is ready to send email to users with favorite topics and who are set (check) new post notification. This feature is enable if the forum admin has authorize because the … Continuer la lecture
bbPress plugin: New Post Notification [updated 0.9.2]
Simple plugin to send short notification to a choosen email address when a new post is created. Useful for simple forum with only one moderator. Continuer la lecture
Forums about plugins are open
Thanks to BBPRESS of wordpress team ! Now the forums about plugins are opened (support, exchange, wishes). Please reserve contact page for general note or question, use comment of a post about the content of a post and go on … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans News, Studies
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From a theme with localization to a multilingual theme with xili-language : tests step by step.
How to transform a theme with localization to a multilingual theme for xili-language ? Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Plugins WP, Studies, xili-language
Marqué avec multilingual, theme, wordpress
11 commentaires
Extend WordPress ? plugin’s addiction or theme’s functions, that is the question !
Want new features in Wordpress: what to choose? an extension or a function in the theme functions.php ? Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Studies
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xili-language plugin – new version [update 0.9.3]
A new plugin to build a multilingual blog or cms with Wordpress Continuer la lecture
Publié dans News, Plugins WP, Studies, xili-language
Marqué avec language, multilingual
5 commentaires