NEW : xili-postinpost plugin updated [0.9.5]

xili-postinpost provides a triple toolkit to insert post(s) everywhere in webpage – outside or inside WP loop – . The displayed post(s) are resulting of queries like those in WP loop but not interfere with main WP loop. Widget contains conditional syntax.

  • Template tag function

    – see source ,

  • shortcode like
    [xilipostinpost query="p=1"]

    or like

    <blockquote>[xilipostinpost query="cat=3,4,150&showposts=2&lang=en_us"]</blockquote>

    as in About Page at end.

  • and widget with powerful syntax for contextual display of query’s result.

are available for developers, authors and webmasters.

xili-postinpost widget UI

xili-postinpost widget UI

For each post of the resulting list, the displayed result can contain title, excerpt, content, thumbnail image with or without link to the post as single.

This site contains lot of uses of this plugin visible at right sidebar or in About page.

Latest update for widget UI:
If options are activated, it is possible to define from to dates and to set for theme’s designer and webmaster the good html tags for list of results

xili-postinpost widget settings

xili-postinpost widget settings

xpp widget UI and two options activated

xpp widget UI and two options activated

See the documentation (in frame below) and download plugin in WP repository.

Contributors: michelwppi, MS
Donate link:
Tags: theme, post, plugin, posts, page, multilingual, widget, shortcode, template tag, conditional tag, template file
Requires at least: 4.9
Tested up to: 5.2
Stable tag: 1.7.02
License: GPLv2

xili-postinpost provides a triple toolkit to insert post(s) everywhere in webpage. Template tag function, shortcode and widget are available.


xili-postinpost provides a triple toolkit to insert post(s) everywhere in webpage - outside or inside WP loop - . The displayed post(s) are resulting of queries (see codex) like those in WP loop but not interfere with main WP loop. Widget contains conditional syntax.

  • Template tag function xi_postinpost() - see source ,
  • shortcode like [xilipostinpost query="p=1"] or like <blockquote>[xilipostinpost query="cat=3,4,150&showposts=2&lang=en_us"]</blockquote>.
  • A shortcode like <blockquote>[xilipostinpost query="cat=3,4,150&showposts=2" lang="cur"]</blockquote> with param lang set to cur give a result according the current language (example: inside an undefined page displayed according browser language).

  • and widget with powerful syntax for contextual display of query's result.

are available for developers, authors and webmasters.

In widget (and template tag), if option is set, it is possible to choose display period and expiration date.

In widget - if xili-language plugin active - to combine a query and the current language use params like [query="cat=14" lang="cur"] with square bracket[] and lang set cur. Don't put cur in query. See screenshot.

For each post of the resulting list, the displayed result is hightly customizable and can contain title, excerpt, content, thumbnail image with or without link to the post as single.

Paging is preserved even if a shortcode is used in a list of posts.

New with 1.7.02 :


Upload the xili-postinpost plugin to your blog, Activate it. Go to settings.

If you want to use widget, go to Widgets menu of Appearance menu.

To use shortcode inside post's content, refer to examples provided in these posts here.

To use core functions of plugin, as developer, refer directly to code source before inserting (and echoing result) of the function in your theme.


  • a minimum of knowledges about queries (as end part of short link) like ?p=1 or ?cat=17&tag=new
  • how are organized datas and semantic in the CMS website.
  • able to read WordPress Codex !
  • for results formatting, some knowlegdges in html and class - xili-postinpost don't install style but is able to set html and class if option is enabled for widget or by adding params in shortcode.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is - xili-postinpost - versus - Recent Posts - delivered by WP as default widget ?

Recent Posts only displays title with link of latest posts from all categories. With xili-postinpost it is possible to choose what to display and which categories or tags associated with post (and html tags or class).

In template tag xi_postinpost: is it possible to use query passed as array ?

YES, see below an example using array and userfunction (formatting the result of query differently than default) :

` '4' , 'query' => array( 'category__and' => array( $cat_id, 7 ) ), 'userfunction' => 'xili_pip_banner' ) ); ?>


What is - conditional - display ?

Currently the result of widget is ever displayed. Here it is possible to use function (currents or made by webmaster) to decide when to display according context. By example if you use is_page, if the condition return true, the widget show the result here when a page is displayed in website. Another example with is_category and params 1,5,87 in the query input : when one these three categories is shown, the widget show the resulting list.

What happens if the condition is not true ?

If the condition is false, you can decide to show result of another query. If the condition is not inside the conditional template tags, it is possible to create and use a conditional function created by you (in functions.php).

In widget, what is the code to see latest posts in current language ?

xili-language plugin active

Very simple : [lang='cur']

In widget, what is the code to select two queries according current language ?

xili-language plugin active

In this case, condition uses a function available with xili_language :

[condition='is_xili_curlang' param='fr_fr' query='p=4953']:[query='p=4972']

param fr_fr is passed to function is_xili_curlang, so the first query is fired only if french webpage. The result adapts and displays the content (can be image+text) according webpage language.

When using shortcode, the result display excerpt under the title, why ?

See the topic here in forum

What is - from to - feature introduced in 0.9.2 ?

The webmaster is able to define a period (a slot) when the widget is visible in sidebar (or the shortcode is display inside the content). By example: for an advertising post or an article for a future meeting which disappears the day after the meeting (expiration date).

Is xili-post-in-post compatible with xili-language trilogy ?

Yes xili-language plugin is compatible, visit here and look on the right sidebar or go in WordPress repository.

Support Forum or contact form ?

Effectively, prefer forum to obtain some support.


Run live here

Plugin README Parser: Could not find screenshot-1 image file

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1.7.02 (2019-05-20)

  • compatible with WP 5.2 - rewritten with WPCS

1.6.2 (2016-02-10)

  • compatible with glotpress - text domain (and .po/.mo filenames) same as plugin name

1.6.0 1.6.1

  • readme - support form
  • 2015-05-08 widget now display chosen size of image, param featuredimagesize (as in function or shorcode), new FAQ


  • 2015-04-21 readme updated for WP 4.2
  • 2014-12-22 improves query if permalinks, inside front_page and xili_language active


  • 2014-12-18 WPLANG as function - WP 4.0+ - add do_action before/after widget_text filter (to patch Karma theme - Thanks to Ella)


  • fixes assets images src


  • add filter 'xili_postinpost_nopost' for nopost result (concerns developers)


  • 2014-05-02 - incorporate is_preview method used in theme customize (no cache) for realtime settings


  • 2014-03-05 - new param "more" for get_the_content
  • Text Domain added in header
  • add 2 wp-pointers


  • 2014-02-18 - new versioning (for WP 3.8+) - clean source


  • 2013-03-25 - add titlelink param in shortcode, fixes notice - widget & class _construct (need php5) - tests 3.6


  • 2013-01-28 - fixes support settings


  • 2012-11-22 - option via filter ( xili_postinpost_query ) for complex presetted queries (shortcode or template_tag) usable in mailing list plugin, add param for no post msg, default option for editlink for author


  • 2012-04-06 - pre-tests with WP 3.4: fixes metaboxes columns


  • 2012-01-17 - add param lang in shortcode (as in widget for the_curlang)


  • 2011-11-27 - serialize for cache if query is array as possible in template tag xi_postinpost()


  • 2011-10-21 - add user function param (userfunction) to define your own displayed resulting loop


  • 2011-06-06 - fixes, source code cleaned, support email improved


  • 2011-01-17 - fixes pagination when paginated parent has paginated children (thanks to Piotr)


  • 2010-12-11 - add option for better html and css styles choice in widget.


  • 2010-12-10 - fixes featured image ever as link and load textdomain for UI, add featured image params in shortcode


  • 2010-11-29 - fixes message mistake when no post (warning)


  • 2010-11-28 - From to features added


  • 2010-11-21 - fixes doc and more docs


  • 2010-11-14 - settings admin and pre-doc


  • 2010-11-12 - first public release w/o settings admin

    2019-05-20 - MS -

More infos

  • Tested on WP mono and multisite mode.

Why this plugin ?

xili-postinpost is compromise between minimum php coding (but not accessible by everybody) and end-user tool (like widget) - but with lot of php lines in background - to afford flexibility for webmaster and data-designer for CMS. The core function of the plugin ( xi_postinpost() ) and its rich argument (array with lot params) was created 4 years ago to insert by example a recent news in header, a target post inside blockquote set in content of a page or a post. Doing a public version is like finishing a book. Remind that free code is not gratis, include fees in quotation for commercial use or clients and donate. For free use, send an email!

Are the queries recursive in widget ?

No, it is only possible to combine one true and another one if the first is false: the syntax is [condition=… query=…]:[query=…]. The second part can have is own condition as in screenshot 6.

Upgrade Notice

Please read the readme.txt before. As usually, don't forget to backup the database before major upgrade or testing no-current version found in other versions tabs. Upgrading can be easily procedeed through WP admin UI or through ftp.

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4 réponses à NEW : xili-postinpost plugin updated [0.9.5]

  1. Ping : xili-postinpost: able to control when to display the result… | Plugins for look and feel

  2. v dit :

    Hi, I’ve been trying to search for the link/page on how to add other languages e.g. Vietnamese & Arabic.
    If you could give me the link/steps, I would really appreciated it.

  3. xiligroup dev dit :

    Is this question concerns xili-postinpost plugin and his admin UI translation or xili-language plugin for multilingual or bilingual website ?

  4. Ping : Calendar plugin integration? « Forums of

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