[updated] xili-tidy-tags plugin : THE widgetS for tidy tags cloud

The widget for tidy tags cloud is shipping with version 0.9.2 NOW.

For those who are uncomfortable with template tags, with the tidy tags cloud widget, it is now possible to display in sidebar a tidy cloud of sub-groups of tags.
With some settings conditions, it is also possible to display the current tag cloud but you can choose size of fonts (smallest and largest,…) without modifying your css.

Three examples :

1) display a sub-group of tags named philosophy (groups created in Tidy tags admin UI and after checking your dedicaced tags) :

philosophy sub-group

philosophy sub-group

2) example where cloud of tidy tags is dynamic and according categories and include group trademark. (in tidy tags setting, it is now easier to create sub-group of tags named as corresponding to a category) – during displaying ‘the_category’ is automatically changed when a category is shown.

A tidy tags cloud sub-selected with current category

A tidy tags cloud sub-selected with current category

3) HERE NOW – for your multilingual site – xili-language plugin must be activated –
As on this site, the tags are filed in language group and a group is reserved for all lang. terms as trademark or technical tags.

multilingual tags cloud settings

multilingual tags cloud settings

This post will be updated with your questions – don’t hesitate to use comments form below.

MS 090421

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3 réponses à [updated] xili-tidy-tags plugin : THE widgetS for tidy tags cloud

  1. admin dit :

    Question : Do you plan to add a feature in admin UI to sub-select tags ?

    Answer: Yes, soon in 0.9.1, it will be available and useful for those who have big tags list. It will be easier to check tags in one or more sub-groups.

    Question : When a group is deleted, are the tags inside deleted ?

    Answer: NO. Only the group is deleted and the tags leave this group but remain in another if present.

  2. Chris dit :

    I saw a tag interface on a site, that had groups of tags in a square tabbed interface now I cant find it again.

    Could it be this plugin was used to display a tabbed tagbox?

    The idea looked to put tabs into catergories and you could the use a tab to select which tags would populate the box…it was very clean looking like yours, but in a box and with tabs



  3. admin dit :

    If you are able to script in php, it will be very easy to create sub group of tags in category attached and group them in tabs ‘B’… It is an excellent exercice, just give me a little time to demo it !

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