xili-tidy-tags : release 1.4.1

xili-tidy-tags is a tool for grouping tags by semantic groups or by language and for creating tidy tag clouds. Compatible with WP 3.0 both in mono or multisite mode.


on multilingual website

Logo xili-tidy-tagsxili-tidy-tags is a tool for grouping tags by language with xili-language plugin for multilingual site and for creating tidy tag clouds. By instance to present only tags in english when the theme is in english because the post or the current category present texts in english.

on monolingual website (blog or CMS)

xili-tidy-tags is a tool for grouping tags by semantic groups and sub-groups.
This tags aggregator can also, by instance, be used to group tags according two or more main parts of the CMS website.
Technically, as xili-language, this plugin don’t create tables in wordpress db. He only use (rich) taxonomy features. So, with or without the plugin, the base structure is not modified.
Template tags are provided to enrich the theme and display sub-selection of tags.
Through the settings admin UI, it is possible to assign to a tag one or more groups (by instance a french tag to the french language group. You can choose different storage policies.

New !


Full tested 3.0 mono and multisite – Parts of code rewritten
A demo in multisite mode with WP 3.0 and ‘twentyten’ is here.
Capabilities updated for editor’s role.


Minor modifications to be compatible with WP 3.0-beta standalone and wpmu (for testers and future specific improvements for wpmu)
In tags cloud widget , new option to display tags as list added.

NEW to 1.3.0 from 1.2

* Add sub-selection by tags belonging to a group – or not belonging to this group (suggestion of David). With this way, it is possible to see tags selected in one group and (optionally the others there are not). The sub-selection by starting or containing letters remains. The columns of group are now sorted and grouped (parent and childs).
* Now uses Walker class to sort groups in UI.

* now quick-edit tag is allowed (keep terms groups)…
* fix default sorting and order in sub-selection by group for xili_tidy_tag_cloud()


In loop, the template tag the_tags() named xili_the_tags is now available to sub-select tags for the current post from sub-groups. Example of code :

xili_the_tags('',' • ','',array('sub_groups'=>array('trademark', 'software')));

With these parameters, only tags from subgroups ‘trademark’ & ‘software’ are displayed in loop with each post (use slug of terms).


Wordpress delivers 2.8, xiligroup dev ships xili-tidy-tags 1.0 : A new shortcode is added to insert a group of tags inside a paragraph of a post as explained here.

Tags in tabs

B is not G : here see a grouped presentation in tabs of groups of tags


Add capability management for editors role grouping – and setting -. Set by administrator role.

Editor capabilites setting box
When creating tags in post edit UI – this new tag is grouped to default post’s lang if xili-language is active and if this tag is not already grouped in a language group.
add features to modify kindship of tags group, now allows multiple cloud widgets – see note in installation.
With big tags list in admin UI, select tags starting or containing char(s) or word(s) – possible to split cloud in sub clouds via &offset= et &number= in the var passed to the `xili_tidy_tag_cloud` – .po file completed.
The tidy tags cloud widget is available.
And the template tags `xili_tidy_tag_cloud` (useful for theme’s creator) is now more powerful with more args as in `tag_cloud or get_terms`.
Some fixes and translation.
It is also possible to create tag’s group according category in three clicks – see second example in installation and screenshots.


1. Upload the folder containing `xili-tidy-tags.php` and others files to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory,

2. If xili-language plugin is activated, groups of languages are automatically created. If not, you can also use xili-tidy-tags to group your tags in semantic group like technical, trademark…

3. in theme, a new template tag is available : `xili_tidy_tag_cloud` Same passed values as tag_cloud but two new : tagsgroup and tagsallgroup . tagsallgroup can be the parent group slug, tagsgroup is one of the child group slug. If one or both are included, the cloud is built with sub-selected tags in this (theses) group(s).

Exemples of script in sidebar.php :

with xili-language plugin activated in multilingual website

<h2><?php _e('Tags cloud','xilidev');?></h2>
<?php if (function_exists('xili_tidy_tag_cloud') && class_exists('xili_language')) xili_tidy_tag_cloud('tagsgroup='.the_curlang().'&tagsallgroup=tidy-languages-group&largest=18'); ?>

= with semantic group named as category and a group containing trademarks named trademark =

<h2><?php _e('Tags cloud','xilidev');?></h2>
if (function_exists('xili_tidy_tag_cloud')) xili_tidy_tag_cloud('tagsgroup='.single_cat_title('',false).'&tagsallgroup=trademark&largest=18'); ?>

example of a splitted tag cloud of authors group (here separated by hr) – change html tags if you want to build a table with 3 columns

<h2><?php _e('Tags clouds','xilidev');?></h2>
<?php if (function_exists('xili_tidy_tag_cloud')) xili_tidy_tag_cloud('tagsgroup=authors&largest=18&&number=15'); ?>
<hr />
<?php if (function_exists('xili_tidy_tag_cloud')) xili_tidy_tag_cloud('tagsgroup=authors&largest=18&&offset=15&number=15'); ?>
<hr />
<?php if (function_exists('xili_tidy_tag_cloud')) xili_tidy_tag_cloud('tagsgroup=authors&largest=18&&offset=30&number=150'); ?>

note about template tag

If the two args tagsgroup and tagsallgroup are empty, the content is all the tags as in current tag cloud but with more features for selecting or look as soon documented.

note about widget

If you create the single widget since 0.9.0, with 0.9.2 (which allows more than one), you need to recreate one, two or more widget(s) in theme admin UI.

F. A. Q.

Where can I see websites using this plugin ?

dev.xiligroup.com [here]


www.xiliphone.mobi [here] also usable with mobile as iPhone.

and the first from China since plugin version 0.8.0

layabozi.com [here] to sub select music maker name and other tags sub-groups.

and a wonderful website:

« Frases de cine » with more than 200 tags.

Compatibility with other plugins ?

In xiligroup plugins series, xili-tidy-tags is compatible with [xili-language], [xili-dictionary], [xilitheme-select] , a set of plugins to create powerful multilingual CMS website.

Compatibility with WP 2.9 ?

Today, with current dev release, xili-tidy-tags appears to be compatible with 2.9.2.


Nuages différents selon la langueNuages différents selon la langue
1. the admin settings UI : tidy tags groups.
the admin settings UI : tidy tags groups.the admin settings UI : tidy tags groups.

2. the admin assign UI : table and checkboxes to set group of tags.
the admin assign UI : table and checkboxes to set group of tags.the admin assign UI : table and checkboxes to set group of tags.

3. the admin settings UI : table and checkboxes to set group of tags : sub-selection of groups.
the admin settings UI : table and checkboxes to set group of tags : sub-selection of groups.the admin settings UI : table and checkboxes to set group of tags : sub-selection of groups.

4. widget UI : example where cloud of tags is dynamic and according categories and include group trademark.
widget UI : example where cloud of tags is dynamic and according categories and include group trademark.widget UI : example where cloud of tags is dynamic and according categories and include group trademark.

5. widget UI : (xili-language plugin activated) example where cloud of tags is dynamic and according language.
widget UI : (xili-language plugin activated) example where cloud of tags is dynamic and according language.widget UI : (xili-language plugin activated) example where cloud of tags is dynamic and according language.

6. widget UI : display a sub-group of tags named philosophy.
widget UI : display a sub-group of tags named philosophy.

7. the admin assign UI : with big tags list, it is now possible to select tags starting or containing char(s) or word(s).
the admin assign UI : with big tags list, it is now possible to select tags starting or containing char(s) or word(s).the admin assign UI : with big tags list, it is now possible to select tags starting or containing char(s) or word(s).

8. the admin assign UI : here only the group “software” – a parent group – is selected and all tags of his childs are shown.
the admin assign UI : here only the group “software” - a parent group -  is selected and all tags of his childs are shown.the admin assign UI : here only the group “software” - a parent group - is selected and all tags of his childs are shown.

9. the admin assign UI : here only the group “software” – a parent group – is selected and only tags of this group are shown (No childs checked).
the admin assign UI : here only the group “software” - a parent group -  is selected and only tags of this group are shown (No childs checked).the admin assign UI : here only the group “software” - a parent group - is selected and only tags of this group are shown (No childs checked).

More infos

They talk about

Here some links where users talk about xili-tidy-tags plugins :
WordPress Forum

Other infos

This first beta releases are for multilingual or cms website’s creator or designer.
See also the [WordPress plugins forum].
= 1.3.0 = add sub-selection by tags belonging to a group. Now uses Walker class to sort groups in settings UI.
= 1.2.1 = fix quick-edit tag function.
= 1.2 = fix `xili_tidy_tag_cloud` sort and order.
= 1.1 = In loop, the template tag `the_tags` named `xili_the_tags` is now able to show only tags of sub-group(s).
= 1.0.1 = some fixes in php code on some servers (Thanks to Giannis)
= 1.0 =
* add shortcode to include a cloud of a group of tags inside a post,
* compatible with WP 2.8.
= 0.9.3 = W3C, recover compatibility with future WP 2.8
= 0.9.2 = changing kindship, now allows multiple cloud widgets.
= 0.9.1 = with big tags list, select tags starting or containing char(s) or word(s). &offset= et &number= in `xili_tidy_tag_cloud`
= 0.9.0 = widget for compatible themes and UI actions to include group according a chosen category
= 0.8.2 = fixes php warning when tagsgroup args are empty in tidy_tag_cloud()
= 0.8.1 = some fixes – improved query – better tag_cloud()
= 0.8.0 = first public beta release.

© 100218 – MS – dev.xiligroup.com


On the WordPress Plugins repository, the current and others versions are available.

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