dev.xiligroup au WordCamp 2014 01-17, 01-18
Michel de dev.xiligroup était présent au WordCamp Paris les vendredi 17 et Samedi 18 janvier 2014.
Le compte-rendu est ici sur le site du thème 2014-xili.Michel de dev.xiligroup était présent au WordCamp Paris les vendredi 18 et Samedi 19 janvier 2013.
Le compte-rendu est ici. D'autres suivront sur des points plus techniques liés aux conférences.News
Forums Tags
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- xili-postinpost
- xili-tidy-tags
Recent Topics list
Blank… after updating several other plugins
8 years, 12 months ago
open tags in new window
9 years, 5 months ago
Xili Tidy Tags + WP all import
10 years, 11 months ago
Flags and titles
10 years, 11 months ago
current-menue-ancestor / parent ? how to?
10 years, 11 months ago
Blank… after updating several other plugins
Recent Replies in forums
Blank… after updating several other plugins 8 years, 12 months ago
Blank… after updating several other plugins 8 years, 12 months ago
Xili Tidy Tags + WP all import 10 years, 11 months ago
Xili Tidy Tags + WP all import 10 years, 11 months ago
Flags and titles 10 years, 11 months ago
Blank… after updating several other plugins
Mots-clefs du forum en français
See also posts about plugin sIFR3-active
Category: xili-plugins
xili-floom-slideshow updated v. 0.9.7
New source and some improvements. Continuer la lecture
xili-postinpost: able to control when to display the result…
The hightly customizable plugin xili-postinpost is able since version 0.9.2 to display the result of the query according time or date. Below one attachment appear in the morning and another appear in the afternoon The date kept is the date … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans xili-plugins, xili-postinpost
Marqué avec interval, period, postinpost
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JavaScript Class: modify or extend ?
After the creation of xili-floom-slideshow: Here, through the example of the original Floom javascript (displaying a pretty slideshow), we will present and discuss the ways to improve features and events of this script containing a core class. This well documented … Continuer la lecture
Publié dans Experts corner, xili-plugins
Marqué avec class extend, floom, javascript, plugin, wordpress
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xili-sIFR3-active : a plugin to extend WP with sIFR3 [update 0.9.4]
xili-sIFR3-active activate the modules of sIFR3 in your current theme and detect the specific configurations for sIFR3 in your theme. Continuer la lecture
Publié dans News, Plugins WP, xili-plugins
Marqué avec flash, plugin, post, sifr, wordpress
16 commentaires