With hookable xili-language plugin, it is possible to create a list with rss for each language. In sidebar, the languages list contains icon for rss and link under each is a link to a rss feed for this language.
One example and extracts with hook xili_language_list in file functions.php of current theme.
add_action('xili_language_list','xiliml_infunc_language_list',10,3); |
xili_language_list() through his third param permit to specify different types of list (here with flag and rss icon).
Extract of fonction xiliml_infunc_language_list :
} elseif ($theoption == 'siderss') { if (is_category()) { $catcururl = xiliml_get_category_link(); $currenturl = $catcururl.'&'; //print_r(); $cat_ID = $wp_query->query_vars['cat']; $currentrss = get_bloginfo('siteurl').'?feed=rss2&cat='.$cat_ID; } else { // home $currenturl = get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?'; $currentrss = get_bloginfo('siteurl').'/?feed=rss2'; } $listlanguages = get_terms_of_groups_lite (the_cur_langs_group_id(),TAXOLANGSGROUP,TAXONAME,'ASC'); foreach ($listlanguages as $language) { if ($language->slug != 'ar_ar' && $language->slug != 'ar_ma') { if ($before=='<li>') { if (the_curlang() == $language->slug) { $beforee = '<li class="current-cat" >'; } else { $beforee ='<li>'; } } $a .= $beforee ."<a href='".$currenturl.QUETAG."=".$language->slug."' title='".__('Posts selected',THEME_TEXTDOMAIN)." ".__('in '.$language->description,THEME_TEXTDOMAIN)."'>"." <img src='".get_bloginfo('template_directory')."/images/flags/".$language->slug.".png' alt='' /> ". __('in '.$language->description,THEME_TEXTDOMAIN) ."</a> <a href='".$currentrss.'&'.QUETAG."=".$language->slug."'><img src='".get_bloginfo('template_directory')."/images/rss.png' alt='rss'/></a>".$after; } } if (is_category()) { $currenturl = xiliml_get_category_link(); $a .= $before."<a href='".$currenturl."' title='".__('Posts of current category in all languages',THEME_TEXTDOMAIN)."' >"." <img src='".get_bloginfo('template_directory')."/images/flags/www.png' alt='' /> ".__('in all languages',THEME_TEXTDOMAIN)."</a> <a href='".$currentrss."'><img src='".get_bloginfo('template_directory')."/images/rss.png' alt='rss'/></a>".$after; } echo $a; } else { |
in sidebar, template tag is :
<ul class="langs"> <?php if (function_exists('xili_language_list')) { xili_language_list('<li>','</li>','siderss'); } ?> </ul> |
Caution : to build the link use only default param in code ?feed=…
Link under icon is like – feed://dev.xiligroup.com/?feed=rss2&cat=393&lang=fr_fr – and will correctly decoded by the server even if permalink option is activated and will provide good results : a feed in one language for the site or a specific category.
Good coding.